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How I made a royally unusual talk for JAMstack Conf London

July 23, 2019 by Josh Dzielak

DeveloperMode co-founder Josh Dzielak recently spoke at JAMstack Conf London about how MDX can make content more interactive.

Get better feedback from developers with the Mom Test

June 21, 2019 by Josh Dzielak

Asking good questions is crucial for effective developer advocacy. Learn three simple rules from the Mom Test.

Why Orbit is better than Funnel for developer relations

June 6, 2019 by Josh Dzielak and Patrick Woods

DevRel teams need tools and models created specifically for our discipline, and not just those adopted from other fields.

MDX, authors and richer JAMstack content

May 31, 2019 by Josh Dzielak

MDX is a new file format that lets markdown authors embed JSX components into their documents, greatly increasing the depth and scope of the documents they can build.

Book Club: The Business Value of Developer Relations by Mary Thengvall

April 23, 2019 by Josh Dzielak

Mary Thengvall's book is a great way to learn how different DevRel programs approach a wide array of challenges.

Building TwilioQuest from the ground up: a Dungeon Master's rules to play by

April 16, 2019 by Patrick Woods

Kevin Whinnery shares the origins of TwilioQuest and its role in Twilio's developer relations efforts.

World Celebrates International Developer Relations Day

April 1, 2019 by Josh Dzielak

Take part in a global effort to recognize people who finish their slides during the previous talk.

A framework for generating high-impact developer engagement projects

March 26, 2019 by Patrick Woods

Discover a three step process for uncovering amazing project ideas.

5 ways community projects benefit developers

February 27, 2019 by Patrick Woods

Discover all the ways companies can use community projects to connect with developers.

How to use the new github.dev personal website generator

February 25, 2019 by Josh Dzielak

A step-by-step guide to deploying a website that shows off your GitHub bio, contributions, popular repos and interests

What are developer community projects?

January 29, 2019 by Josh Dzielak and Patrick Woods

See what makes a great community project and why they're a favorite tool of companies like Twilio and Algolia.

Introducing DeveloperMode

November 8, 2018 by Josh Dzielak

DeveloperMode helps companies create awareness by contributing to the developer community.